Fort DhariyawadFort Dhariyawad

By fortdhariyawad

Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi (Vināyaka Chaturthī) or Vinayaka Chavithi is a Hindu Festival celebrating the birth of Ganesha. A ten-day festival, it starts on the fourth day of Hindu Lunisolar calendar month Bhadrapada, which typically falls in the months of August or September of the Gregorian calendar. The festival is marked with the installation of Ganesha clay idols privately in homes, or publicly on elaborate pandals. Observations include chanting of Vedic hymns and Hindu texts such as Ganpati Upanishad, prayers and vrata(fasting). Offerings and prasadam from the daily prayers, that is distributed from the pandal to the community, include sweets such as modaka believed to be a favorite of the elephant-headed deity.

Wishing You All Very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

About fortdhariyawad
Ganesh Chaturthi Greetings!!